
Monday 11 March 2013

Daily Sculpt: Sunday, March 10

Hey there! I have found out that I will be leaving for Kingston on Wednesday. Here I have two critters, the most recent ones I've made.

Fat silver tabby tomcat, was made on Thursday/Friday. He came out a little fatter than I expected, and the markings near his eyes make him look like he is wearing sunglasses. I was experimenting with some cool sparkly clay I found.

Sleek otter, made yesterday. Now I'm trying out making critters in different poses.

Also, have a few photos of my two fish, Raven (molly, black) and Phoenix (platy, orange).  I used to have another platy named Firefly, but she died :( Sorry about blurriness, the room I keep my fish in has awful lighting

Saturday 9 March 2013

March Break

Above: A sea serpent I made a couple weeks ago. Will be up on my Etsy soon!

Woohoo the March Break is starting!
I'm guessing I'm going to be quite bored for the duration of the break. Oh well. At least I get to go to Kingston, Ontario for a few days to visit my aunt and uncle, and their awesome dog Floyd and cat Chester.

In order to keep my self from boredom, I have created a project for myself. I will have to make one thing each day, except for the days I spend in Kingston. My rules:
-It can be anything from a fifteen-minute doodle to a detailed sculpt.
-I must do it every day! If I miss a day I must do two the next.
-If I want, I can exchange the sculpt for a detailed drawing on one day.
-I must bake the sculpt on the day I made it, and post it on my blog the next day. That means I will be posting every day for two weeks!

Hopefully I will stick to the project, and have an army of a dozen or so clay critters at the end of the break. Otherwise I will have little to do so I will have plenty of time.

A new side story on ImagineCrafted: I will occasionally post info and such about my two beautiful cats, Malcolm and Maisie. Malcolm is a male, 7 year old, tabby domestic longhair (but we think he might be part Maine Coon) and Maisie is a female, 9 year old, black and white domestic shorthair. We adopted both of them about 7 years ago. Maisie had recently had a litter of kittens at the time, and she sort of adopted kitten Malcolm as her own. Her real kittens ended up being barn cats because they hadn't been socialized with humans early enough, but Maisie and Malcolm found a loving home with us.

Malcolm is probably the most relaxed cat you will ever meet. His favourite way to lie is on his back with his paws in the air. When you pick him up, he completely goes limp, and you can hold him in any position and he doesn't mind. He loves to get belly rubs and will roll over in the hopes you will give him one if you just walk into a room. He has the loudest purr ever, and  he purrs even if you're just nearby. Even though our cats are indoor cats, we allow them outside occasionally in the summer, so he tends to sit by the door and meow at us until we let him out. He has a really short attention span; if he is in the middle of doing something he will easily get distracted and go eat cat food, or forget what he was doing and simply lie down on the floor. Otherwise he spends most of his time curled up on one of our beds, or looking out the window.

Maisie is a little lady, she does everything with a dignified manner. Often she is not in the mood to be picked up, and she will let you know by meowing very loudly if you do so. She has about fifty different facial expressions, so you always know exactly what she's thinking. Like Malcolm, she is a low-energy cat, she spends much of her time lying down, though she doesn't seem to sleep very often. Her favourite toy is the laser pointer, and even if she was sleeping in the attic, she will come running the second you pick it up. When she's in a good mood, she loves to snuggle with people, so she's always happy when she finds someone reading or lying down. Or else she'll just sit there, looking at you with an air of superiority.

Monday 4 March 2013

Sunday Update

I usually do all my photographing on Sundays, so this is likely when I will do my posts also :) This one's a little late though, because I had trouble getting the video to work. Here are the cute little animals I promised! From left to right: red panda, coyote cub, raccoon, red fox.
Also a penny for size comparison
I love these little guys, they're just so adorable  <3 I was originally going to put them on Etsy, but now I think I'm actually going to keep them. I also made a fox similar to the one pictured, but in pendant form. I now wear it all the time! Unfortunately I forgot to take photos of it.

Here's something I'm trying for the first time, a speeded up video of me making the coyote! It's jerky I know, and a bad angle, but all in all its really fun to watch and I might do things like that more often!

If the video doesn't work, here's a link to the YouTube page:

Now here are individual shots of each of them,

Red Panda

Coyote Pup (in video)

Little Raccoon

Red Fox

If you like these at all, check out my Etsy shop for items available! You can find a link to it at the top of the page.